Electrocutions are listed as one of OSHA's "fatal four" causes of death in the construction industry during 2018. In fact, "control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout)" and "machinery and machine guarding" ranked as numbers five and nine respectively in OSHA's 2018 list of most frequently violated and cited OSHA standards (https://www.osha.gov/data/commonstats).
We all engage with electricity on a daily basis. When we engage with electrical power as part of our job, we use a job safety analysis (JSA) or activity hazard analysis (AHA) for electrical work to ensure proper and appropriate hazard control measures are in place to protect workers, passersby, and the work environment. Unintended contact with electrical power can result in burns, explosions, property damage, fire, injury, and death. Using an online job safety analysis app, like JSABuilder, is an easy way to create JSAs and AHAs for electrical work. You can start your free trial here.
On OSHA's electrical safety page, the five most frequent causes of electrical injuries are identified (https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/hazards.html). Let's look at each of these a little more closely.
Contact with Power Lines
When performing work outdoors, we may encounter overhead or buried power lines.
Questions to aid in job safety analyses (potentially) near electrical power lines:
- Are there any overhead power lines in or near the work area?
- Are there any buried power lines in or near the work area?
- Do we have a site map showing buried power lines?
- Has a geophysical survey been performed to locate any underground utilities?
- Can the power be shut off during work activities?
Is there a lockout/tagout (LOTO) plan in place for:
- De-energizing the lines?
- A system, including backup measures, to prevent accidental or premature reenergization of the lines?
- Re-energizing the lines upon completion of the work?
- Has the plan been communicated to all affected parties?
- If the power cannot be shut off, what additional controls can be utilized to prevent worker and equipment contact with the lines?
Lack of Ground-Fault Protection
Whether working indoors or outdoors, lack of ground-fault protection is a dangerous risk. Most indoor environments likely already have ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) hardwired into the building. However, when performing new construction activities, this may not be the case. During construction activities, if GFCIs are not in place, the work team must adhere to an assured equipment grounding conductor program (AEGCP). For information on establishing an AEGCP, see https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/hazards/aegcp.html.
Questions to aid in performing a job safety analysis for construction activities that will utilize electrical power, with the help of JSA software:
- Are we using GFCIs on all 120-volt single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles?
- If we are not using GFCIs, do we have an AEGCP?
- What are the manufacturer's recommended testing procedures to ensure the GFCI is working correctly?
- Are we using double-insulated tools and equipment? Is this equipment marked to distinguish it from other tools and equipment?
- Are all tools and equipment being used in accordance with manufacturer, labeling, or certification specifications?
- Have all tools and equipment been visually inspected prior to use, checked for frayed cords, missing ground prongs, cracked casings, or other damage?
- Is there a system in place to clearly identify, tag, log, and remove any improper or faulty equipment from service?
Path to Ground Missing or Discontinuous
In non-construction work environments, electrical grounding is just as important. While the building or shop may already be hardwired with GFCIs, it is our responsibility to properly connect to them.
Questions to aid in performing a job safety analysis utilizing an electrical system:
- Have all power supply systems, electrical circuits, and electrical equipment been grounded?
- Has the electrical system been recently inspected, and is there an inspection protocol outlining what to check and how often to check?
- Are all circuit breakers and fuses rated properly for the system for over-current protection?
- Are all ground prongs from cord and plug-connected equipment and extension cords in place?
- Have any cords or prongs been modified?
- Are we using double-insulated tools and equipment? (Is this equipment marked to distinguish it from other tools and equipment?)
- Have all exposed metal parts of equipment been grounded?
- Have metal parts of certain non-electrical equipment been grounded, as specified by OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926.404(f)(7)(v)?
- Is there a system in place to clearly identify, tag, log, and remove any improper or faulty piece of equipment from service?
Equipment Not Used in Manner Prescribed
While properly grounding electrical equipment is important, equipment must also be used as designed. Manufacturers have designed different pieces of equipment for specific uses, to handle specific workloads, and with unique built-in safety features, when used properly. When equipment is used in an inappropriate manner, these safety features may not function as intended.
Questions to aid in performing a job safety analysis prior to use of any piece of electrical equipment:
- Has the electrical equipment been visually inspected prior to use?
- Does the equipment meet the OSHA applicable standards (29 CFR 1926.403(a))?
- Will the equipment be used according to the manufacturer's instructions, including environmental factors such as indoor versus outdoor, dry versus wet environment, and proper ventilation (if required)?
- Is there a different piece of equipment that would be better suited for this job?
- Are all circuit breakers and fuses rated properly for the system for over-current protection?
- Have any cords or prongs been modified?
- Has the equipment been shop-fabricated or altered in any way? If so, is it in compliance?
- Is there a system in place to clearly identify, tag, log, and remove any improper or faulty equipment from service?
Improper Use of Extension and Flexible Cords
Use of extension and flexible cords can be invaluable in performing certain tasks, often enabling the user to perform a task with greater accuracy, greater safety, and using a more ergonomically comfortable or safe position. However, as cords experience wear and tear over time, they can actually create hazardous conditions.
Questions to aid in performing a job safety analysis for electrical cords prior to start of the job, with the help of JSA software:
- Has the electrical cord been visually inspected for loose or exposed wires, damaged protective casing, and sturdy prongs?
- Is this a factory-assembled cord set?
- Is the cord 3-wire type?
- Is the cord marked with a designation code for hard or extra-hard usage?
- Has the cord, connection device, or fitting been equipped with strain relief?
- Will the cord be handled properly, including removal from outlet/receptacle by pulling on the plug not the cord, and stored properly to protect the integrity of the protective casing as well as the internal wires?
- Is there a system in place to clearly identify, tag, log, and remove any improper or faulty cords from service?
In 2012, a steel production and supply company in Michigan began working with OSHA's no-cost, confidential On-Site Consultation Program for help in identifying ways to improve its safety culture. Through the job safety and hazard analysis process, the consultants helped the company identify and correct hazards, and develop and implement ways to improve their safety culture. Some of the hazards the OSHA consultants identified included an improperly guarded band saw, an opening in a circuit breaker box, hot and neutral conductors reversed on a 120-volt plug, and an inadequate guard on a belt and pulley. While these hazards were identified and corrected during a high-level site safety analysis, they can also be identified and corrected during a job or task safety analysis. The company has since seen decreases in annual total recordable cases (TRC), and Days Away from Work, Job Restriction, or Transfer (DART) rates, and has been awarded Michigan Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (MSHARP) status. Read more about this company's story on OSHA's success stories page: https://www.osha.gov/successstories/Astech-Alloy-Steel-Technologies.
When working with electrical power as part of our job, it is critical to use a job safety analysis or activity hazard analysis for electrical work to ensure proper and appropriate hazard control measures are in place to prevent one of these five most frequent causes of electrical injuries identified by OSHA.
For more on electrical safety from OSHA:
- https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/hazards/flexiblecords.html
- https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/hazards.html
- https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/training.html
- https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/electrical/standards.html
For information on establishing a lockout-tagout program for deenergizing and reenergizing power systems, see https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/controlhazardousenergy/index.html.
For JSA software to aid in creating job safety analysis worksheets and activity hazard analysis forms, visit JSABuilder.com. JSABuilder is an online job safety analysis app that simplifies the process of creating a JSA with just 8 steps. For web-based tools to aid in developing your own lockout/tagout (LOTO) program, visit www.LOTOBuilder.com.
Set up a free trial account to the online job safety analysis app and online lockout/tagout app today! Follow us on Twitter @JSABuilder, where we Tweet about Health and Safety, provide Safety tips, and updates on current Health and Safety topics.